Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Piercing night!

Alex got a new peircing a few days ago
Our neighbours, who are wells versed in body modification asked us if we wanted any peircings or anything done. Alex volunteered he's been wanting an industrail for a while. So the other night we headed over their place and he got to get stabbed.

beforehand he's all chipper, ready to go

that worry starting to set in,,,,,,,


ahhhh blood...


ow that fn hurt...


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blank wall

this wall was too blank so I decided to spice it up
time to break out the sharpie's

 btw that fish is covering up a mistake lol

maybe I'll finish it by the time I move out lol

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The return of the blog!!!

hey there internets, how've you been?
I've been rather busy these last months that you've heard nothing from me. I'm sorry.
I've moved out, I stole my grandma's cat, bought a longboard, got some great fucking goodwill shoes, moved my dad in with us, moved my dad to Nebraska, got a kitten so Kit-Kat isn't so lonely all day, and now I'm here.
Update! lol
I haven't sewn much lately. Y'know that saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Well that's the route my crafting has gone. Just plummeted really. It's quite sad. but I'm trying to help revitalize and this thing so yeah. Whoo!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Old World Cleaners

Do you know how hard it is to find lye? 3 out the 4 people I asked at home depot didn't even know what it was.

 I want to try making some castille soap but in order to do that I need lye. And while it used to be a common occurrence in most homes it just isnt around like it used to be. Where do you go to find heavy chemicals when you need them? the interwebs...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Late Update D:

What's happened in the last few months???
Well Alex and I have moved in together. We're expecting a child in Oct. but it's a complicated pregnancy, so prayers. 
We haven't had internet till just recently, and Ive gotten so used to not having it I'm trying to get back into the stride of things. I've got a new computer, an Alienware laptop handed down from my dad when he built his new desktop lol. 
Furret died of renal failure shortly before we moved. It was very sad it happened while I was at work and my dad was watching him.
Ive been crafting still and hopefully I can put up some new posts soon.
 thank you for bearing with us <3