so far I have ten applied, that's one side of one boot, I'll need another 30 to finish this part of the "renovation"
at first I couldn't figure out how to make the holes for the eyelets to go through, I tried a shotgun shell and it worked perfectly, except that it bent the shell irreparably :\ so that was a no go.. I couldn't just cut through to leather either, at least not without mutilating it. eventually with some digging in the shed I found a set of ratchet attachments using the smallest I could hammer a hole about the right size
spacing was hard to figure out, eventually I just eyeballed it and placed the eyelets on top of the boot where I wanted then used sewing pins to show where they'd go
it all turned out rather well I'm very happy with it so far, still a lot more work to go but worth it i believe
now I need to find some fur.....